View Analytics for BuddyPress and BuddyBoss Platform

Introduction:In the ever-evolving landscape of online communities, understanding user engagement is key to fostering a vibrant and interactive space. We’re excited to introduce the View Analytics for BuddyBoss Platform, a groundbreaking plugin designed to provide administrators with unprecedented insights into community dynamics. Let’s explore the features that make this tool a game-changer for community managers. …

Pin Comment for BuddyBoss Platform

Introduction: Enhance your BuddyBoss Platform experience with our latest plugin: the Pin Comment Plugin! This powerful addition allows you to effortlessly highlight and manage comments within your community, providing a new level of engagement and control. Features and Functionality: The Pin Comment Plugin comes packed with features designed to streamline your comment management: Installation and …

Post Anonymously For BuddyBoss

Introduction In an era where open and honest communication is highly valued, there are moments when anonymity can be a powerful ally. It can encourage individuals to share their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgment or repercussions. At AcrossWP, we believe in the power of candid conversations within online communities. That’s why we’re excited …

Notifications On Post Like For BuddyBoss

Enhance the engagement on your BuddyBoss platform with our specialized plugin by AcrossWP. This powerful extension ensures that post authors receive instant notifications whenever their posts are liked by members. Key Features: Real-Time Notifications: Post authors are instantly notified when members like their posts, keeping them engaged and informed. Boosted Interaction: Encourage more interactions between members and …

Features for WooCommerce

Add setting into the WooCommerce Setting tab to Enable or Disable Multiipal feature Like:1. Give users the ability to sort/filter coupons in Dashboard > WooCommerce > Coupon page2. Enable/Disable Hiding of Coupon Codes on the Cart and Checkout page3. Give user the ability to change quantity on checkout page4. Give user a button to remove …

Sorting Option In Network Search For BuddyBoss

Admin Access to Sorting Section in Network Search for BuddyBoss This feature enhancement in the BuddyBoss platform provides administrators with exclusive access to the sorting section within the network search functionality. This capability empowers admins to fine-tune search results according to specific criteria, ensuring a more streamlined and targeted user experience. Key Attributes: Admin Privilege: …